
First-hand stories from the Anishinaabe community

Our library is a collection of stories and perspectives given to us by Anishinaabe Elders, Knowledge Holders, and community members. These gifts are in the form of videos, recordings, and writing. The purpose of the library is to showcase the emotional journey our people have experienced through a life of oppression. These stories will also act as a reference for youth to understand the changes and impacts of colonization. As we continue to form relationships across Turtle Island (North America), we will continue to gather stories to revitalize original teachings and enhance knowledge transfer through generations. 

It is critical for Indigenous peoples to speak up and share their understandings because we are at risk of losing our cultures and traditions. We must do what we can to keep our knowledge alive. 

If you would like to share your story please contact us.

Perspectives of our People

Knowledge is Alive

Observe the photo on the left, what do you see?

We can learn a lesson from something as simple as a “pesky weed”. In fact, it can remind us of where we came from. The dandelion can represent an origin of a story or concept, such as the original Anishinaabe Clan System.

When we think of the Clan System, we may think there is one original story, yet we hear many variations. Knowledge stems and forms from an original experience or perspective. Picture the Clan System as the seed head on the dandelion. The seed head is made up of a cluster of individual seeds and these individual seeds can represent our ancestors and their understandings of the Clan System. Just like the individual seeds learn and grow from the main part of the flower, our ancestors learned and grew from their original place too. Once the seeds separate from the cluster, a new journey starts. 

Carried by the wind, the seeds take off floating, carrying their knowledge and interpretations along with them to a place where they ground. This process symbolizes the transfer of knowledge. Just as the seeds find their place on the earth to germinate, our Ancestors pass on these original stories and knowledge that grow and transform over time. What once came from one original place, becomes a story with new understandings. The seed will always be a part of the original plant, but will now have its own views of the world. 

All dandelions look similar and historically came from the same place, but all have different stories. This perspective explains knowledge, it is constantly growing and evolving, it is alive.